What is the difference between content writing, copywriting, and UX writing?

The big differences are in the purposes of writing and the length of writing. Content writing aims to give information or try to influence the audiences with the information they had. Content writing has a lot of sentences or paragraphs than others. For example, articles, news, essay, etc. While copywriting is expected to influence people about brands/products. Usually, we see it in advertising on tv, banner, or social media. When we make copywriting, we need to research the brand and audiences, searching for insights, and creating an idea based on the research, creative thinking, etc., to achieve the purpose of marketing communications. In the end, a copywriter needs to make impactful words, so every word is questioned and carefully decided by them.
For UX writing, the aim is to make product/apps users comfortable with the word on the apps. The seamless the words are felt by users, the greater it is. Because it reflects that users don’t have difficulties understanding the product and have a good experience with it. One of the characteristics/challenges from this writing is they need to explain much with the customer language but still reflecting brand character in a limited space. (n)